„I am free, because I am not left to the mercy of reality, but I can shape it.“
Paul Watzlawick
Every person, every couple, and every family is unique. In order to be able to support clients as much as possible in accordance with their individuality, over years, I have acquired a wide range of intervening options. Thanks to that, therapy has been creatively designed and individually tailored, just as you are unique, you as and individual, a couple or a family.
Sessions are sometimes very dynamic, in motion both physically and emotionally. They sometimes run very peacefully, but always with a respect to the interlocutor while taking into consideration the existing resources. It is my responsibility to make sure that both partners have equal space to express themselves, to be seen and heard; that both of them are given space to express their wishes, desires and visions.
Couple Conselling
«When 'YES' is heard many times between two people in a relationship, such a relationship can tolerate a couple of 'NOs' as well.» R.D.
When working with couples, I primarily use a variety of IBP tools, which are oriented to the experience, body and resources. It also includes the systemic view as well as various constructive communication techniques.
I try to create a space with couples that allows me to deal with individual differences carefully, mastering negotiation skills, instead of adjusting or dominating. In this way, the partnership relationship passes from apparent harmony, through the "phase of disharmony," in the real, dynamic harmony of diversity. The harmony of diversity is not static, but the process of negotiation that is constantly being renewed. Couples who master this skill simultaneously gain more individual space and establish a deeper relationship with each other (they get bigger space in relationship, both for the things in common, and for different ones which leads to less fear and fewer conflicts, and consequently, a greater closeness and greater autonomy are possible).
It's also possible to have couples therapies with two therapists. Sessions with two therapists are, however, expensive, but are for some couples more convenient than a session in threes.
Learning by doing:
Es war mir eine besondere Freude, in der Ko-Leitung mit meinem Kollegen Roman Decurtins mehrere Lehrgänge der IBP Integrativen Paarberatung mitzugestalten und dabei auch selber sehr viel lernen: wie z.B. von den vielen wertvollen persönlichen Beiträgen der TeilnehmerInnen, von ihren fachlichen Inputs, vom Reichtum der unterschiedlichen therapeutischen Methodenhintergründe.
Von meinen Kollegen Notburga und Robert Fischer konnte ich einige neue Inputs für die Themen der Sexualität und Intimität in der Paarbeziehung gewinnen, und bei Seminartagen bei Ansula und Mathias Keller miterleben, wie man bei Paarkonflikten die dahinter liegenden familiären Einflüsse entdecken und lösen kann.
Die Ko-Leitung an sich war eine besonders spannende Herausforderung. So begegnet man auch in einer «Arbeitspartnerschaft» die ähnlichen Themen und Fragen des Miteinanderseins wie in einer Beziehung: Ausgleich im Führen und Folgen, die richtige Nähe/Distanz finden, optimalen Umgang mit der individuellen Unterschiedlichkeit.
Viele positive Rückmeldungen der TeilnehmerInnen bestätigen mir, dass es uns als Ko-Leitung immer wieder gut gelungen ist, aus unseren unterschiedlichen «Gaben» ein gutes Angebot zu kreieren.
Texte über die Grundthemen der Paarbeziehung:
Eigenraum und Grenzen470 KB
Selbstreflexion / Übungen / Fragebögen:
Umarmungszeit13 KB